Sketches of Paris

This post was written by admin on August 2, 2014
Posted Under: ArtGraphicA News

On those busy days where commitments distract you from your passion, I always like to find time for at least one small sketch. Urban sketches never used to appeal to myself, but then I had a disdain of cities before Paris changed my persuasion. Part of the appeal of sketching the city is that rather than focus on a subject close up, you can encapsulate an entire environment from street alley to panoramic view. It combines figures with landscape and architecture, bringing each into a balance and harmony.

Sketches of Paris
Click to Englarge: Sketches of Paris.

When pressed for time I tend to base my sketches from old oil paintings, although occasionally I will sketch from photographs in the evenings before I hit the pillow. The Paris sketches are done on A4 copy paper folded in half (17cm by 12cm or approximately 7in by 5in) – working small means you can draw more quickly.

I usually start by establishing the horizon line and vanishing points first, then sketch freehand, mostly with the edge of a pencil (a Mars Lumograph or Koh-i-noor, sharpened with a craft knife, but a point that is not overly sharp). If I am not too tired, some rough values can be ‘scrubbed’ in with an overhand grip.

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This is really a great resource. Your instructions are easy to follow and the images capture your techniques really well.

Please see my email sent to you as well.

Written By Faraz on October 27th, 2014 @ 12:17 pm

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